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My name is Lacie Nelson. I have attended New Beginnings for 17 years. I have been on NB council since the beginning 11 years ago. I want to thank all of you very much for all you do for this worshipping community. You are appreciated.

I was asked to write about my school experience. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a college graduate. I struggled with many learning disabilities growing up. I in turn had to be in special ed classes. Then as a teen I liked boys a lot, which got me pregnant at the age of 17. So with a baby it took me a couple extra years going to night school, but I finally graduated at the age of 21 years old. So all this to say, school was hard yet I did it. Now I can go to college. Well, that wasn’t happening. But I never stopped thinking that one day I will go to college and my dream would come true. 

Fast forward, I came to prison in 2009 and I soon got into school. I over the years have completed many programs: CAD (computer aided drafting and design), CISCO, cosmetology, TUMI (The Urban Ministry Institute), which was great, however there was nowhere to apply these credits. In 2021 a program for prisoners from Trinidad State Community College was offered. We were going to be able to use all of our credits towards an associate’s. In 2021, I was able with the help of Trinidad offering classes via online and Zoom, I got an applied technology associate’s degree. This July, I will receive a second degree in psychology.

My dream of having a college degree has come true, not one but two. This opportunity is such a gift. I appreciate it so much because I never thought it would happen, especially here in prison. So grateful.

Then, if that wasn’t a big enough gift, two women here at this prison that are fellow residents of mine gave a different gift. They offered and are paying through a program started for people in prison through Minnesota State from New Beginnings Cathedral to receive a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies. By the end of the summer I will also have a bachelor’s! OMGOSH!

God is good. He makes a way where there is no way. I feel blessed and honored to be given such an amazing blessing. I will do my best to honor him with all I have learned and have been given. 

-Lacie Nelson